Providence (Kepnes novel)

Providence is Caroline Kepnes's third novel. It has been described as romance-suspense-thriller, with supernatural aspects. Multiple reviewers have explicitly characterized it as "strange".
Kepness published the novel in 2018, four years after the publication of her dark first novel You. You was turned into a popular television and Netflix series, and her second novel was a sequel to it. Providence is unrelated to the first two novels.
The novel was published by a Lenny Books, an imprint of Random House, directed by Lena Dunham and Jenni Konner.
Alison Flood, in a review published by The Guardian, wrote "Providence is compelling, and Kepnes provides a sometimes piercing insight into the small, strange, sad details that make up a life, though without quite achieving the deep, dark pleasures of You." According to Cheryl Wassenaar, in a review in Cultures magazine, the novel is "a bit like Dexter meets, well, H.P. Lovecraft."
In an interview on a Providence, Rhode Island television station Kepnes noted that she set the novel in Providence because she was familiar with the area, having been a student there.