Public Schools of Calumet-Laurium-Keweenaw

The Public Schools of Calumet-Laurium-Keweenaw is located in Calumet, Michigan. The district is Michigan's northernmost K-12 school district.


In 1867, about 25 years after copper was found in the area, the company Calumet and Hecla Mining Company decided to establish a school in the area. The first building was completed in 1867, known as Calumet High School. Soon after, the next building, Washington Middle School, was built. In the year of 1928, the middle school burned down and was rebuilt in 1929. In the year 1970, a multipurpose building was erected, housing a lunchroom/gym, kitchen, and band hall. In 1997, an elementary school along with an interconnect was built, connecting all three buildings. In the year 2012, a Commons area was added next to the gymnasium and a two-story addition was built onto the elementary school. A new gymnasium was added to the elementary school in 2020.


The Demographic breakdown of the 1,225 students enrolled for the 2016-2017 school year was:
• Male = 44.1%
• Female = 55.9%
• White = 93.5%
African American = 0.3%
• American Indian/Alaskan Native = 0.3%
Multiracial = 5.7%
• Hispanic/Latino = 1.6%
• Not Hispanic/Latino = 98.4%