
Pulinchode is a place in Engandiyoor village located in the Thrissur district of Kerala state, India. The latitude 8.5878107 and longitude 76.9770813 are the geocoordinate of the Pulinchode. This Place shares borders with Chetuva on the north side and Chantha on the south side. On the west side is the Anjam Kallu and to the east Canoli Canal. The native languages of Pulinchode are Malayalam & English. Most of the people use the Malayalam language for communication.
Pulinchode is dependent on Persian Gulf countries for income.

Arts & sports clubs

There are various arts & sports clubs in the area, such as the Pulinchode Youth Club, Vallabhatta Engandiyoor, BLS Engandiyoor, Sardar Pulikkakadav, GSS Engandiyoor, and NASC Engandiyoor.

Religious organizations

Religious organizations include:
The famous St Mary's Lourdes Church is located in this place.

Youth organizations