Punchy Cowpunchers

Punchy Cowpunchers is a 1950 short subject directed by Edward Bernds starring American slapstick comedy team The Three Stooges. It is the 120th entry in the series released by Columbia Pictures starring the comedians, who released 190 shorts for the studio between 1934 and 1959.


It is the Old West and the Dillon clan are making life miserable for a small Western town. Sweetheart Nell and her dashing but dimwitted boyfriend Elmer rushes off to find help. Meanwhile in the United States Cavalry, cavalrymen the Stooges are making life miserable for superior, Sergeant Mullins. Mullins tries to whip the boys into shape, but his plan backfires and he has a run-in with his superior, Captain Daley. Daley informs Mullins about the Dillon clan's evildoings, and needs some men to run them out of town. Mullins does not miss a beat, and volunteers the unsuspecting Stooges.
The trio are made up to look like tough desperadoes, and happen upon the town saloon. They take jobs as waiters and do their best to spy on Dillon and his hombres without being discovered However, Moe's mustache flies off his face, right onto Dillon's nose. The gang tie up Moe and Larry, and manage to corner Shemp into a safe.
As this is going on, Elmer is stumbling his way to the door of United States Cavalry, who are temporarily unavailable, it being pay day and all. Disillusioned, Elmer returns to rescue his Nell, who is busy knocking every cowboy who enters her room out cold. Eventually, the Stooges emerge victorious.




Punchy Cowpunchers was filmed on February 7–10, 1949 at the Columbia Ranch on Stages X and W. It is one of the few entries in the Stooge canon to feature an extensive musical soundtrack. It also features all four of the core supporting actors who appeared in the majority of the team's films: Christine McIntyre, Kenneth MacDonald, Vernon Dent and Emil Sitka.