
Pyuntaza is a small town located in Nyaunglebin Township, Bago District, Bago Region, Myanmar. It is about from Bago.
The dominant ethnic group is Bamar, although there is a substantial number of Karen. The town's main economy consists of rice cultivation and distribution.


The name Pyuntaza comes from the Mon language term plaem sotchaek, which means "to break vows."


In the colonial era, Pyuntaza was administered as a township of Pegu District in Lower Burma, covering an area of and consisting of 232 villages. The township's population in 1901 was 52,952 persons, having more than doubled since 1891. The western flank of the former Pyuntaza Township is hilly, while the eastern half is a flat rice-producing area.
From 1920 to 1931, with the emergence of a national railway system extending north-south, Pyuntaza emerged as a railway center town, along with neighbouring Daik-U. By rail, Pyuntaza was from Rangoon.
During World War II, prominent Burmese barrister U Chan Htoon retreated to Pyuntaza as his place of retirement.