Qalandar Bakhsh Jurat

Qalandar Bakhsh Jurat, born Yahya Khan, was an Indian poet of the Lucknow school. He was born 1748 in Delhi but spent his childhood in Faizabad and later migrated to Lucknow. He was the disciple of Mirza Jafar Ali Hasrat and a close friend of Insha Allah Khan 'Insha'. He is known for depicting romantic encounters with the beloved in lurid details. Jurat lost his eye sight in the prime of youth. He was fond of Poetry since his childhood. He was expert in Music and Astrology.
He was not a highly educated person but he was sharp-witted and imaginative and was a regular at the court of Sulieman Shikoh. He was a fluent writer of ghazals. He died in Lucknow in 1809. A collection of his ghazals – Kuliyaat e Jurat, was last published in 1968 by Majlis Taraqii e Adab, Lahore.
A sher from his ghazal:
اب گزارا نہیں اس شوخ کے در پر اپنا
جس کے گھر کو یہ سمجھتے تھے کہ ہے گھر اپنا

Books Published After His Death:{{Cite web|url=|title=Urdu Books of Jurat Qalandar Bakhsh Rekhta|website=Rekhta|access-date=2016-11-10}}

Muntakhab Deewan-e-Jurat - Gudasta-e-Musarrat in 1868:{{Cite web|url=|title=Muntakhab Deewan-e-Jurat - Gudasta-e-Musarrat Rekhta|website=Rekhta|access-date=2016-11-10}}

Jurat's 78 Ghazals and 122 Shers are available on

Ghazal Sung by Artist:

His Ghazal "Aye dil hum hove paband e gham e yar ke tu" was sung by Ustad Amanat Ali Khan