Qui studio a voi stadio

Qui studio a voi stadio is a sports talk and debate television program produced by Telelombardia and aired on various affiliated local television channels in Italy, entirely devoted to Italian Soccer, in particular the Serie A.

Similar programs ruled by the same redaction

With similar formats, the sport redaction of Telelombardia rules also other programs that are broadcast on their channels:
-Azzurro Italia is a program broadcast from 8:30PM to 11PM with some differences in the graphic setting. It is on every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. After 11PM the program changes its name to "Azzurro Italia Notte" generally the number of guests reduces to 3 or 4 and the themes discussed are often about the transfer market. In addition to this there is also another program, called Azzurro Italia News, on from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM, which is very similar to "Azzurro Italia Notte".
-Lunedì di Rigore, as the name suggest this program is aired every Monday and it probably is the most popular broadcast after QSVS. It is usually hosted by the director of the redaction, Fabio Ravezzani, and the program treats interesting arguments like the "moviola". It is on from 8:30PM to 11PM and after 11:00 PM another program is aired called "Lunedi di rigore Notte" similar to "Azzurro Italia Notte".
-TG Calcio 24 and QSVS News, the first is broadcast from 8:00 PM to 8:30 PM every day except when QSVS is aired, it has different format from the others, because there is an only host who says news and does telephone calls with some of the guests that take part to the broadcasts. QSVS News is similar but there are two hosts.
-Diretta Calcio, while the previous programs are transmitted on Top Calcio 24, AntennaTre and Telelombardia Diretta Calcio is almost all aired on Top Calcio 24. In the early morning there is a host who does the press review.
This one of the two programs in which are allowed home telephone calls.

Commentators and Presenters

Current commentators and presenters