Quintus Pompeius Senecio Sosius Priscus

Quintus Pompeius Senecio Sosius Priscus was a Roman military officer and senator who was appointed consul during the reign of Marcus Aurelius.
Sosius Priscus is known for possessing the longest attested name of the ancient Romans, this was due to the practice of polyonymy, where elements of his ancestor's name were incorporated into his own. In full, his name is:
He received a portion of his lengthy name from his father, Quintus Pompeius Sosius Priscus, consul in AD 149, and, although the inscription that recorded his father's full name is damaged, enough of it survives to establish this:


An outline of Sosius Priscus' career is preserved, along with his full name, in the inscription. It shows his career began as the Praefectus feriarum Latinarum; this was followed by a posting as triumvir monetalis. Around the year AD 162, he stood and was elected as a candidate of the emperor for the office of Quaestor. Next he was appointed Legatus, serving under his father who was the proconsular governor of the province of Asia, possibly around the year AD 163/164. Finally, he was elected to the office of Praetor, possibly around AD 167.
In AD 169, Sosius Priscus was elected consul ordinarius with Publius Coelius Apollinaris as his colleague. He was then appointed to the proconsular posting of praefectus alimentorum. This was followed by his appointment as proconsular governor of Asia at an unknown date.
A member of the College of Pontiffs, Sosius Priscus was married to Ceionia Fabia. They had at least one son, Quintus Pompeius Sosius Falco, who was appointed consul in AD 193.