Régine Robin

Régine Robin is a historian, novelist, translator and professor of sociology. Her prolific fiction and non-fiction, primarily on the themes of identity and culture and on the sociological practice of literature, have earned a number of awards, including the Governor-General's Award in 1986. She has been described by Robert Saletti as "Montreal's grande dame of postmodernism".
Robin's published works include Le Cheval blanc de Lénine ; La Québécoite, translated in 1989 as The Wanderer, ; Le Réalisme socialiste: Une esthétique impossible, translated by Stanford University Press in 1992 as Socialist Realism: An Impossible Aesthetic; Kafka ; L'immense fatigue des pierres, a collection of stories; Berlin chantiers ; La mémoire saturée ; and Cybermigrances : Traversées fugitives.
Robin holds degrees from the Sorbonne in geography and history and doctorates from the Université de Dijon and the École des hautes études en sciences sociales de Paris. She began her career as a history teacher in a Dijon lycée and then lecturer at Université Paris X, but immigrated to Montreal in 1977. She took up her current post as a sociology professor at the Université du Québec à Montreal in 1982, and co-founded Montreal's Inter-University Centre for Discourse Analysis and Sociocriticism of Texts in 1990.
