R. L. Osborn

Robert Lewis Osborn, he is a BMX rider. His father Bob Osborne started BMX Action magazine. He, along with Mike Buff and Bob Haro are considered the forefathers of BMX freestyle, a style of BMX bike riding that involves flatland and ramp tricks. In 1981 RL and Buff created the BMX Action Trick Team, the first BMX freestyle team that toured in a van and put on shows for fans of the sport using a portable kickramp and quarter pipe.
RL Osborn quickly rose to fame when he appeared on "That's Incredible!" in 1983, where he raced a horse.
He also appeared as a stunt rider in the 1986 movie "RAD".
He was the first BMX rider to popularize freestyling and the first person to use endorsements to become the first millionaire in the sport. He was endorsed by Haro, acs, General, Ame, and Redline.
He founded Hammer Bodywear in 1988 and Bully Bikes in 1989. In 1991, he sold the companies to MCS in Florida.
In 1992, RL Osborn stepped away from professional BMX riding and started a carpet cleaning business, which he still owns and operates today.
In 2009, RL Osborn was bestowed the highest honor when he was inducted into the National BMX Hall of Fame along with legendary riders such as Mike Buff, Eddie Fiola, Danny Oakley, D.D. Leone, Troy Lee, and special recognition to Jeremy McGrath.
On a May 8, 2020 Facebook post, RL Osborn announced that he was getting back into BMX freestyle riding for his own pleasure and not as a sponsored rider for any bike company.