RATS Theatre

RATS Theatre – Research in Arts and Technology in Society is established in 2008 by Rebecca Örtman. It is known for creating artistic digital productions on the web, mobile and public spaces as a tool of inspiration and a platform for dialogue between research and public. RATS Theatre is today part of Stockholm University. Its productions were met successfully in Sweden and internationally.


RATS Theatre – Research in Arts and Technology in Society was established in 2008 by Rebecca Örtman as an association. The idea emerged when Rebecca was invited by Electrum Foundation to conduct a feasibility study about the need for a Science Theatre in Kista. The former name for RATS was Kista Theatre.

Ever since its inception in 2008, the theatre has worked in cooperation with the Stockholm University, Kista Science City AB and the municipality of the Kista/Rinkeby District.
In 2013, the work with the Stockholm University was intensified. The objective is to promote interdisciplinary education between different institutions and art schools in order to further collaboration between artistic fields and research

RATS Theatre contributes to innovation and critical thinking in artistic development. In addition to that, many studies and research has been conducted to study how RATS Theatre create its interactive performances.
The productions of RATS Theatre aim to develop the use of information and communication technologies in the artistic process and expression. focus on public participation prior and during the production process. For RATS, interactive theatre and film is used as a tool to create inspiration and dialogue between research and community.
In addition to its productions, RATS conducts projects and workshops targeting children and youth in the suburbs of Stockholm. Artists, university students and professionals give artistic workshops to children and youth in drama, creative-writing, designing own digital games, film, photography, TV production.

RATS theatre productions and co-productions