Peropsin, a visual pigment-like receptor, is a protein that in humans is encoded by the RRH gene.
Peropsin is an opsin and so belongs to the guanine nucleotide-binding protein -coupled receptors. Peropsin genes have seven-exons as neuropsin and RGR-opsin genes.


The peropsins are one of the four subgroups of the Go/RGR opsins, also known as RGR/Go or Group 4 opsins. Go/RGR opsins are one of the four major groups of type-II opsins, also known as metazoan or animal opsins. The Go/RGR opsins consist of four groups: The Go-opsins, the RGR-opsins, the peropsins, and the neuropsins. Animal opsins belong to four classes: C-opsins, R-opsins, Cnidops, and Go/RGR-opsins. Three of these subclades occur only in Bilateria. However, the bilaterian clades constitute a parphyletic taxon without the Cnidops.