RTL II (Hungary)

RTLII is a Hungarian commercial television channel, owned by RTL Group. It is rivaling with Super TV2 and Viasat3. The channel launched on 1 October 2012.


In September 2011, RTL Klub started a project named RTL2 to launch a new RTL channel in Hungary. In April 2012, it was announced, that RTL will launch RTLII in September or in October with I Love Gjoni ; Who Wants to be a Millionaire? and Heti Hetes.
In July 2012, something started to promote on RTL Klub with these sentences: The Life is Nice, The Sky is Blue, The Grass is Green, but it was not mentioned that these ads are advertising something. In September 2012, it was revealed, that these ads advertised RTL2, the new commercial television channel that will launch on October 1, 2012 and it will replace Reflektor TV.
At the launch the prime-time schedule of RTL2 included series: Modern Family, White Collar, Terra Nova, Journeyman, The Forgotten, Chase, shows moved from RTL Klub: Who Wants to be a Millionaire and Heti Hetes and a new magazine Forró nyomon.

Programming aired by RTLII


Airing currently

Airing currently