Rabia Balkhi

Rabia Quzdari , popularly referred to as Rabia Balkhi and Zayn-ul-Arab and Mugs Roeen, was a Persian writer, poet, literary critic, businesswoman and artist. As a multi-talented intellectual, she achieved international fame and recognition for her works in the Samanid era. Quzdari became the first-rate academic celebrity of her time, securing such fame that she eclipsed her contemporary Rudaki.


Nearly twelve centuries after her birth, Quzdari is still very much alive in Afghanistan. Her poems are recited in schools and she is referenced in academia, ceremonies, award shows and television programs. Her grave in Balkh is adorned annually with pilgrims who pay their respects to the most famous woman in the Persian tradition. Through the years, Quzdari has ranked only second to Zoroaster, but ahead of Balkhi, in terms of her fame and popularity in the Greater Iran region.

The Literary Works of Quzdari

The following books were published:
The following two books never made it to publication because she died: