Rachel McAlpine

Rachel Phyllis McAlpine is a writer and web content strategist. She is the author of 30 books including poetry, plays, novels, and books about writing. Since 1996 she has trained people how to write business content for a digital and electronic world. In 2007 she launched Contented Enterprises jointly with Alice Hearnshaw to provide scalable, cost-effective online training courses for business writers.


McAlpine was born in Fairlie and grew up with her five sisters in small-town vicarages in Canterbury, New Zealand. When she was 10 the family moved to Christchurch, where she attended Christchurch Girls' High School and the University of Canterbury, graduating BA and Senior Scholar. She was married twice: to civil engineer Grant McAlpine and to artist Michael Smither.
After four years in Geneva she moved to Masterton, New Zealand. There she raised four children, taught high school, wrote her first poetry book, and gained a Dip. Ed and B.A. Hons.
McAlpine says that her career swerved abruptly in May 1995, when she first saw a web site. As a writer, she immediately realized that traditional writing styles would need to change for this new medium. She began teaching short courses on writing and managing web content in 1996, writing her first book on the topic, Web Word Wizardry, in 1999.
As Curriculum Director of Contented Enterprises, McAlpine created online writing courses. Contented teaches writing skills needed for blogs, social media, intranets, web sites, email, e-learning, and all documents that are managed electronically. Contented courses go beyond the traditional print-based curriculum for business writing: they show how to make content accessible and searchable. McAlpine's courses and conference speeches are original and playful, while delivering solid information.
Besides her professional work, McAlpine writes two personal blogs. She lives in Wellington, dances with the Crows Feet Dance Collective, walks a lot and does Tai Chi. She also lobbies for plain language communication from government agencies.

Web sites


2010 Writer in residence, Chateau de Lavigny, Switzerland
1993–1995 Guest Professor, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts, Kyoto
1991 New Zealand Scholarship in Letters
1986 Writer in Residence, Canterbury University
1982 Australia-New Zealand Writer’s Fellowship, Macquarie University

Publications and productions


2009 Write me a web page, Elsie!
2007 Better Business Writing on the Web.
2000 Nine Winning Habits of Successful Authors
1999 Crash Course in Corporate Communications
1999 Web Word Wizardry
1998 The Passionate Pen: Romance Writers of New Zealand speak to Rachel McAlpine
1997 Global English for Global Business
1996 The Great New Zealand Study Trip
1995 Ready for English
1995 Katherine Mansfield in New Zealand
1994 The Secret Life of New Zealand
1994 Masako in New Zealand
1992 Real Writing
1980 Song in the Satchel: Poetry in the High School


2010 Scarlet Heels
2005 Humming
1990 Farewell Speech. 1996 Translated into Japanese by Masako Meio
1987 Running Away from Home
1986 The Limits of Green


2005 A for Blog
2001 Another 100 New Zealand Poems for Children
1993 Tourist in Kyoto
1988 Selected Poems
1986 Thirteen Waves
1983 Recording Angel
1980 House Poems
1978 Fancy Dress
1977 Stay at the Dinner Party
1975 Lament for Ariadne

Children's books

1994 Maria and the Lady Next Door
1993 Maria in the Middle

Stage Plays

2000 The Dazzling Night: a Noh play in English
1990 Power Play
1988 Peace Offering
1980 The Stationary Sixth Form Poetry Trip
1985 Driftwood
Our Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern played the character of 'Bubs' friend in Driftwood. The one line I read from to get the part was -
Jacinda: Is this your jersey?
Me: I don't know, you'll never see me in that school uniform again.

Plays performed but not published

1989 The Stranger, Mr Reginald Peacock's Day
1988 The Op Shop Quartet
1984 Quite Nice Really
1982 Cats Don't Marry
1981 The Life Fantastic
1986 Paper Towers