Radical 84
Radical 84 meaning "steam" or "" is 1 of 34 Kangxi radicals composed of 4 strokes.
In the Kangxi Dictionary, there are 17 characters to be found under this radical.
Characters with Radical 84
strokes | character |
without additional strokes | 气 |
1 additional stroke | 氕 |
2 additional strokes | 氖 気 氘 |
3 additional strokes | 氙 氚 汽 |
4 additional strokes | 氛 氜 氝 |
5 additional strokes | 氞 氟 氠 氡 氢 |
6 additional strokes | 氣 氤 氥 氦 氧 氨 氩 |
7 additional strokes | 氪 氫 |
8 additional strokes | 氬 氭 氮 氯 氰 |
9 additional strokes | 氱 |
10 additional strokes | 氲 氳 |