
Raima is a multinational technology company headquartered in Seattle, USA. The company was founded in 1982. Raima develops, sells and supports in-memory and disk-based Relational Database Management Systems that can either be embedded within the application or be in a client/server mode. The company's focus is on OLTP databases with high-intensity transactional processing. Their cross-platform, small-footprint products are made to collect, store, manage and move data.


Raima was founded in Seattle, Washington USA in 1982 by two software engineering researchers from Boeing, Randy Merilatt and Wayne Warren, who saw the benefits that database management technology could provide for software application developers in the rapidly growing microcomputer industry. In 1984 Raima released one of the first embedded database management systems for microcomputer applications written in the C programming language. Early contracts with companies like ROLM, Texas Instruments, Microsoft, ADP and others contributed to the development of the Raima Database Manager product family.
Some of the more significant Raima product releases are shown below.
In June, 1999 Raima was acquired by Centura Software. In the summer of 2001, the Norwegian company Birdstep Technology acquired the Raima assets from Centura and operated Raima as a separate business unit out of Seattle. In the summer of 2010, the Raima management team purchased Raima from Birdstep, forming the now privately held Raima Incorporated.

Products and services

Raima delivers and supports multiple Raima Database Manager solutions, which are designed for distributed architectures and can either be embedded and completely managed within the application, or in a client/server mode. Their architecture, platform independence, high performance and small footprint enable Raima Database Manager products to be used in a variety of applications, from small, resource-constrained devices all the way up to enterprise class environments.


Raima database products are used in a wide range of applications for business critical data transactions, flight control systems, military equipment, data backup solutions, medical equipment, routers and switches and more. Aker Solutions, Boeing, General Dynamics, GE Power, GE Grid solutions, Mitsubishi, Schneider ElectricSchlumberger, and Siemens are examples of customers who embed Raima Database Manager products into their applications.