Rain Chudori-Soerjoatmodjo is an Indonesian writer, curator, screenwriter, multidisciplinary artist, and actress. She is the daughter of the writer Leila Chudori and curator Yudhi Soerjoatmodjo, and granddaughter of the journalist Muhammad Chudori. She has been published since she was 14 years old. She is the founder and curator of , a division in Penerbit KPG. Her literary work has been exhibited in Frankfurt Book Fair, London Book Fair, and other cities. Her critically acclaimed short story collectionMonsoon Tiger And Other Stories which debuted in Frankfurt Book Fair 2015. Chudori's second book, a novel titled Imaginary City. Her book was translated into Indonesian, titled Biru dan Kisah-Kisah Lainnya. She was included in UWRF’s Emerging Writers Anthology. She received the National Book Committee's Translation Selection for Frankfurt Book Fair in 2015 and LitRi Grant for London Book Fair for translation in 2018. She has written for The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globe, Tempo, Salihara, VICE, Whiteboard Journal, and other publications. Her feature filmRocket Rain was nominated in Jogja-Netpac Film Festival and won the Geber Award. The film was nominated for Best Non-Cinema Feature Film and won Best Director in Apresiasi Film Indonesia. She was nominated for Best New Actress by Piala Maya Indonesia. Rain was one of the founders of the community and literary magazine Murmur House, which released three anthologies.
Imaginary City is a romance novelette set in the capital of Indonesia. The book is a collaboration with Manual Jakarta, and includes a manual of the city.
Biru dan Kisah-Kisah Lainnya
Blue dan Kisah-Kisah Lainnya is the Indonesian translation of Monsoon Tiger, released three years after the original English publication.
Rocket Rain (2013)
Anggun Priambodo, 2013. The film was nominated for Best Non-Cinema Film and won Best Director in Apresiasi Film Indonesia, won the Geber Award for Best Film in Jogja-Netpac Festival, and nominated for Best New Actress in Piala Maya Indonesia. The film also comes with a soundtrack and a music video.