Raj Mistry

Raj Mistry or Raj Mistri is a term used in the Indian sub-continent which refers to those who are master craftsmen, expert masons, foremen, and construction supervisors or a person who has mastered his skill in field of construction and also has a knowledge of Vastu and hence a vastukar.
When an individual wants a house or building to be constructed, a Raj Mistry is contacted, given an idea of the size and numbers of rooms wanted, and other details such as doors, windows, height and is entrusted with this information. A Rajmistri works with an assistant, who is less skilled and may achieve the status of raj mistri in due time. He also hires manual labor, if necessary, as well as a carpenter. If there is to be a septic tank, the Raj Mistri builds the tank, though the soak-pit would be dug by the laborers.
In earlier days, Raj Mistry were employed for their services by Kings and were appointed as head craftsman of the Kingdom, just like Mistry or Gaidher. The term Raj means King in literal terms and Mistri refers to a master mason. So, it seems that those Mistry, who were appointed by the King as Chief Mason of the Kingdom, began to be called as Raj Mistry.
Raj Mistry were also known to be employed by jail authorities, and tasked with getting mason work and other labor completed using convicts.
Raj Mistry Surname:-
Descendants of professional Raj Mistry or Raj Mistry caste, often started using Raj Mistry as surnames and many people of India or Indian origin use these as their last name.
Raj Mistry Caste:-
Raj Mistry are a Hindu as well as Muslim community mainly spread out in Northern and Western parts of India. The earlier British records of British India contain mentions of a tribe or caste named Raj Mistry, recorded in the census of 1891, but there are no mention of them in the later censuses of India or Pakistan. The term Raj Mistri was also used in the Muslim community.