It is a large dog, usually measuring about 65–75 cm at the withers. It is a hound, and therefore should be kept in optimum working condition. The Rajapalayam was bred to be the complete hunter and estate guardian and has features that allow it to excel at both, primarily used to hunt wild boar indipendant of the handler.The Rajapalayam is unique in that it fulfils the functions of a bay dog as well as a catch dog. It tends to be heavier boned than most sighthounds, but shares the depth of chest and basic body structure. Its facial structure is considerably different from that of a Caravan Hound with a slightly larger head and more powerful jaws. It has a slightly curled tail. The most prized amongst all colours is milk white, with a pink nose and golden eye. In the past, puppies of colour were usually culled from the litters since the owners preferred the pure white dogs even though the dogs with faint brown spots of different colours are generally healthier. The coat is single, short, and fine. An extremely handsome and graceful dog, the Rajapalayam breed of dogs has a gait similar to the trotting of a thoroughbred horse. As with many fully white dogs, there is a high incidence of deafness, puppies born with whitish or blue eyes are almost always deaf. Many Rajapalayam dogs suffer from mange, though this is usually not a serious problem,, so it is the treatment of mites and keeping the dogs away from things that might be exposed to mites. It's, basically a care issue rather than a breed issue.
The Rajapalayam dog is courageous, intelligent and aloof, ready to boldly take on wild boars and home invaders without any hesitation. Breeders are known to kill shy and weak pups; this cruel practice has resulted in a dog that is confident, seldom shy and has a stable temperament. Spaying or neutering these pups while placing in "pet" homes would have the same impact. They are an extremely loyal one-person dog and usually do not like to be handled by strangers. However, they are friendly and adapt well to a family. The Rajapalayam breed of dogs are considered formidable guard dogs, fiercely guarding their home, family and territory they will readily give their lives in an attempt to defend their owner. They are not timid or fearful, and will readily go on the offensive and take on any intruders head-on. Early socialization helps them to adapt to friends and other pets. The Rajapalayam dog is intelligent and is known to act independently without human guidance. This trait was important when dealing with large and aggressive wild boars. Despite the ban on hunting in India, the Rajapalayam has retained many of its original characteristics, making them an excellent all-round guard dog with impressive hunting skills.
Rajapalayam hounds were primarily bred and used within the Vijayanagara Empire of South India. The Rajapalayam dog was used during the Carnatic Wars and Polygar War to attack the British cavalry in battle as Rajapalayams were very fast, strong and aggressive in attacking the opponents. They are largely used to guard the rice fields, houses and farms. In recent times, the Indian Army for the last two decades has started using them as guard dogs to support the army on the borders of Kashmir.
Future of the breed
The pure Rajapalayam used to only be found in isolated pockets around southern Tamil Nadu. A dog breeding unit was established at Saidapet, Chennai, during 1980–81. This unit primarily rears native breeds like the Rajapalayam, Combai, kanni, and Chippiparai. To create awareness and encourage dog lovers to rear native breeds, the Animal Husbandry Department of the Government of Tamil Nadu participates in dog shows. Localities have established a cooperative and interested families are given female dogs and expertise that is required for large-scale breeding. The Indian Postal Department has brought out postage stamps on the Rajapalayam dog breed, as well as the Mudhol Hound, Rampur Hound, and the Himalayan Sheepdog. The Kennel Club of India has taken up the cause of the Rajapalayam. With the club's cooperation, the "Save the Rajapalayam Project" has been launched. These initiatives have successfully brought the breed back from the brink of extinction. It is important to research properly before getting a puppy because a lot of unethical breeders are still giving out inbred and genetically compromised puppies.