Rajula Annie Watson

Rajula Annie Watson is a Theologian who presently teaches at the Karnataka Theological College, Mangalore, a Seminary established in 1965 and affiliated to the nation's first University, the Senate of Serampore College. Annie has been a member of the Association of Theologically Trained Women of India since 1991 as well as Associate Presbyter at CSI-Hebich Memorial Church, Mangalore.
In 2008, the Evangelical Mission in Solidarity, Stuttgart featured Annie in their journal darum-journal under the caption Kampf gegen die Erdewarmung.


Annie studied bachelor's degree in theology at the United Theological College, Bangalore between 1987–1991 where she obtained a Bachelor of Divinity ' awarded by the Senate of Serampore College under the Registrarship of D. S. Satyaranjan. She later studied for a doctorate at the University of Regensburg at the Faculty of Philosophy obtaining a Doctorate of Philosophy ' where she was supervised by Prof. Hans Schwarz.
On publication of Watson's doctoral thesis, titled, Development and Justice: A Christian Understanding of Land Ethics it was simultaneously reviewed in the following journals,