Ramón Gallegos Nava

Ramón Gallegos Nava is a psychologist born in Mexico and author of Educación Holista. He studied psychology and sociology in college, and received his PhD in education. He is an author in genres such as education and spirituality. His most-known works are in the field of holistic education and spiritual intelligence. Ramon Gallegos has also developed new educative models, such as the Holistic Educative Multinivel-Multidimension model, the Learning Communities Model, and the Holistic Model of Spiritual Intelligence.


He was born in North Baja California, Mexico. He lived his childhood in the border zone between Tijuana and San Diego, but lived most of the time north in East Los Angeles. He moved to Guadalajara, Mexico, at age of 12. His interest for education and spirituality have followed him since childhood. Inspired by the Advaita Vedanta philosophy, he has maintained a serious meditative and indagative practice that led him to develop an educative paradigm focused in spiritual awareness, social integration and holistic education.
He was full-time professor and researched at the University of Guadalajara, as well as graduate-programs coordinator. He also became an invited researcher in 1986 at the University of California, Los Angeles where he studied the psychology and religion of Mexican immigrants. This research was later published. In 1996, he received the ANUIES award for his work "Quantum Project: an Universitarian Model for a Sustainable Society". In 2001, he received the international "Book of the Year 2001" award for his book Holistic Education, Pedagogy of universal love.
He is the founder and former president of the International Foundation for Holistic Education. He also offers courses, graduate programs, conferences and seminars about holistic education, spiritual intelligence and Advaita Vedanta. Gallegos coordinates the Master, PhD and Postdoctoral programs in Holistic Education and Spiritual Intelligence at the International Foundation for Holistic Education.

Published Books