Ramon d'Abadal i de Vinyals

Ramon d'Abadal i de Vinyals was a Catalan historian, politician and journalist.


Abadal i de Vinyals was born in Vic. He graduated in law at the University of Barcelona in 1910. He also completed studies in history in both Barcelona and in several French centers.
Towards 1909-10 he was affiliated with Joventut Nacionalista, the youth wing of la Lliga Regionalista.
Shortly thereafter his political career began, which included terms as the provincial member of parliament for Vic.
In the Commonwealth of Catalonia, he worked at numerous commissions – including that of the Biblioteca de Catalunya - and he was a vice-president of the Board of Education.
He was a promoter of Accio Catalana, which he left when the Republic was founded, returning to la Lliga. He was the director of the newspaper La Publicitat when it was ‘catalanized’, and also the effective director of La Veu de Catalunya.
He was also one of the founders of the newspaper L'Instant .
In 1936, he moved to Italy, and in 1939 he returned to Catalonia, dedicating himself to the study of history, with special attention to the period of the Catalan counts and its antecedents.
He died in 1970 in Barcelona.


Aside from his early work in the history of law, notable are some of his main historical works subsequent to 1939: L’abat Oliba, bisbe de Vic, i la seva època ; Els primers comtes catalans ; Els precedents antics a la historia de Catalunya ; Dels visigots als catalans ; and, especially, the many volumes of Catalunya carolingia.