Rarhi dialect

Rarhi or Central Standard Bengali is a dialect of Bengali language spoken in the southeastern part of West Bengal, in and around the Bhagirathi River basin of Nadia district and the presidency division in West Bengal. It forms the basis of the standard variety of Bengali.


Extensive use of Obhishruti. E.g. old Bengali Koriya > Beng. Koira > Beng. Kore.
Obhishruti and Opinihiti are two phonological phenomena that occur in spoken Bengali. Opinihiti refers to the phonological process in which a or is pronounced before it occurs in the word. Obhishruti is the sound change in which this shifted or becomes removed and changes the preceding vowel. Observe the example above : Koriya > Koira > Kore. First Opinihiti changes Koriya to Koira, then Obhishruti changes Koira to Kore.