Ratanpur, Bhopal (census code 482467)

Ratanpur is a village in the Bhopal district of Madhya Pradesh, India. It is located in the Huzur tehsil and the Phanda block.
It is located beside the road connecting Barkheda Salam to Toomda.


According to the 2011 census of India, Ratanpur has 173 households. The effective literacy rate is 68.28%.
Children aged below 6 years1508169
Scheduled caste20610799
Scheduled tribe482820
Workers 529284245
Main workers 254141113
Main workers: Cultivators754431
Main workers: Agricultural labourers1165
Main workers: Household industry workers583028
Main workers: Other1106149
Marginal workers 275143132
Marginal workers: Cultivators69645
Marginal workers: Agricultural labourers16555110
Marginal workers: Household industry workers633
Marginal workers: Others352114