Rawlathus Saliheen Ahadhiya School is an Islamic Ahadiya school founded in 1992 under the guidance of All Island Ahadhiya School Federation in Sri Lanka and registered under The Department of Muslim Religious and Cultural Affairs . It is situated Gampaha District in Mabola, Wattala. From grades 1-11, classes are conducted in Sinhala, Tamil, and English languages. Currently administrated by the Ministry of Muslim Religious & Cultural Affairs & Postal.
According to a hadith of Muhammad, he said, "Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave". Rawlathus Saliheen set the above statement of Muhammad as its motto.
The school was initiated on 16 March 1992 unofficially accommodating 25 students with 04 teachers. This was set in a straw thatch with the participation of villagers. Unfortunately, this thatch was set fire by an unknown person in the month of August which brought a tragic end for the studies. By the unwavering courage of the founder Mr.M.S.M.Nasoordeen, the school was reestablished by replacing the burnt thatch with a stone building by the patronage of scholar Al-Haj Faleel Moulavi, the police and the villagers. The school was officially opened on 06th of September 1992. Since 1992 up to date it is successfully functioning with revision of the curriculum and upgrades in the structure.
Fear our Lord Allah, Every Day His Command and His wish let's obey Whatever should happen let us say It is all His will, come what may Our Prophet of this world and the next His example, let us not forsake Let's rejoice, be carefree and content Whatever sacrifice we'd have to make To us who live in this land Make our lives sublime and bright Ya Allah bless us with knowledge Shower thy mercy, compassion and might Let's be thankful for our noble religion Hold fast unto it sincerely In all its serenity and glory Let's indulge in Thakbeer constantly Like a lamp shining in the deepest darkness Let us spread Islam in all its light May the Ahadhiya Movement in our homeland Rise with Iman to the highest
Symbolism of the Emblem
The upper calligraphy Arabian text states Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,. The lower Arabian calligraphy text states La Ilaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasoolullah. The italic texts states our school motto. The crescent and the side way stars symbolizes the progress and light respectively. The middle depicts the Ka'bah, the prayer direction of the whole world.
M.S.M. Nasoordeen - Principal
M.R.M. Hakeem - Gen. Secretary & Head of Academic Affairs & Examinations