Rayalaseema Thermal Power Station

Rayalaseema Thermal Power Station is located at Kadapa in Andhra Pradesh. The power plant is one of the coal based power plants of APGENCO.


The Thermal Power Station has a capacity of 1650 MW; 5 units of 210 MW each and 1 units of 600 MW.
PhaseInstalled Capacity Date of CommissioningStatus

Power Plant

Rayalaseema Thermal Power Plant was developed under 3 stages namely stage I,II and III.
The station is performing well in the recent years by achieving high plant load factor. It stood first in country during 98–99, 2002–03, 2003–04 and second during 99–2000, 2001–02.
The station has received Meritorious productivity awards for six consecutive years and Incentive award for seven consecutive years. BHEL commissioned stage IV unit 1x600MW in March 2018 leading to total installed capacity of RTPP to 1650MW.