Raymond Boudon
Raymond Boudon was a sociologist, philosopher and Professor in the Paris-Sorbonne University.Career
With Alain Touraine, Michel Crozier and Pierre Bourdieu, Raymond Boudon is one of the leading French sociologists of the last quarter of the 20th century. He is known for his research on social mobility and inequality of opportunities as well as for his defense of methodological individualism.
He was a member of many important institutions. Académie des Sciences morales et politiques, Academia Europaea, British Academy, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, International Academy of Human Sciences of St Petersburg, Central European Academy of Arts and Sciences. And a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences and an invited professor notably at Harvard, Oxford University, and the Universities of Geneva, Chicago, and Stockholm.
A biographical study of him by Jean-Michel Morin was published in 2006.