Raze's Hell

Raze's Hell is an action game developed by Artech Digital Entertainment, and published by Majesco Entertainment for the Xbox console in 2005. It was made available on the Xbox Live Marketplace in 2008.


The player character, Raze, has attacks consisting of using his wrist blade and rolling. When an enemy Kewlett is killed, it splatters on the screen or bursts into bloody chunks. Raze can suck up the Kewlett chunks to restore his health and can use stealth mode. Raze also sucks up insects called Squibs, which serve as ammunition.
The Kewletts want to exterminate the Squibs. Different types of Squibs have varying effects, such as: Raze can breathe fire by sucking in flames, much as he does to the Squibs. Red crystals are scattered about the levels that explode when attacked.
Four mini-games can be unlocked in Raze's Hell:
A two-player mode allows two players to cooperate to kill the Kewletts, as well as an online mode that features a variety of mini-games. The multi-player games consist of:
For centuries the Kewletts, a cute and happy race, lived an idyllic existence inside the hallowed walls of Kewtopia. They never went outside the gates of their city because they had everything they needed inside: a wonderful princess, perfect weather, wealth, and privilege.
The Kewletts parody different types of cute creatures found in the media. Kewletts get their news from a show called QTV'. Before the events in the game, the Kewletts lived isolated from the rest of their world. Their first attempt at diplomacy with the creatures of the hinterlands was brief and failed.
Afterwards, their Princess decided to launch "Operation Fresh Hope" to "cutetify" all of the monsters outside of Kewtopia. The true nature behind "Operation Fresh Hope", unknown to most Kewletts, is the retrieval of three ancient artifacts that the Princess desires due to her being a Huggly. Because the Kewletts are intensely nationalistic, they support the idea of expanding Kewletts throughout the war have no problems with "cleansing" the hinterlands of all monsters. Their belligerent, racist worldview is in sharp contrast to their cute, gentle appearance.
The Kewletts' increasingly vicious colonization efforts carry on until they meet Raze, an ugly, simple beast who is transformed when he accidentally stumbles upon ancient artifacts. Raze's heroics spark a swelling underground guerrilla movement.


Raze's Hell received "average" reviews according to the review aggregation website Metacritic.