Razi High School

Le Lycée Razi translated in English as Razi High school. The name Lycée Razi is the official name of the school, and in French as it is known to the French community, and as a recognition of the French community contribution in this school. Le Lycée Razi is listed in French in this page as such for all the French students who attended this school, and for their ease in finding information about their school as it was. Le Lycée Razi, "Lycée" means high school, in fact, it is important to mention that this private school, had grades starting from preschool going all the way to high school.
Le Lycée Razi, was located on Pahlavi Street in Tehran, Iran.
The school is named after Razi a Persian physician, philosopher, and scholar.
The first Razi school was built during the 1950s in a different area of the city of Teheran, and at the beginning of the 60s a new campus was built north of Vanak Square in Teheran.

Notable alumni