Rebel (TV series)
Rebel is an American police drama television series created by Amani Walker. The series premiered on BET on March 28, 2017. The series follows Oakland police officer Rebecca "Rebel" Knight, who after her brother was killed by police, began working as private investigator. In November 2017, BET cancelled the series after one season.
Rebel was picked up to series with eight episode order and a two-hour pilot on April 20, 2016, by BET. John Singleton is executive producer, writer and director.
On June 9, 2016, stage actress Danielle Moné Truitt was cast as lead character, while Giancarlo Esposito, Mykelti Williamson, Method Man, and Brandon Quinn also were cast as series regulars. On November 28, 2017, the series was cancelled after one season.Cast
Main cast
- Danielle Moné Truitt as Rebecca "Rebel" Knight
- Method Man as Terrance "TJ" Jenkins
- Brandon Quinn as Thompson "Mack" McIntyre
- Angela Ko as Cheena
- Mykelti Williamson as Rene Knight
- Giancarlo Esposito as Charles Gold
Recurring characters
- Derek Ray as Jimmy McIntyre
- Michael Masini as Vaughn Bryant
- Jerry Kernion as Captain Frank Hart
- Mandy June Turpin as April Sommerdale
- West Liang as Bryan Markey
- Mikelen Walker as Malik Knight
- Malcolm M. Mays as Brim
- Anthony L. Fernandez as Texas, Diego Perreira
- Adrian Anchondo as Hector
- Anthony Corrales as Eddie Porzo
- Patrick Labyorteaux as Dr. Adam Loyton
- Rebecca Wisocky as Elsa Folster
- Travis Johns as Sam Halderton
- Bree Williamson as Dolores
- Angel Parker as Stella Parker
- Juan Alfonso as Jorge Polanco Jr.
- Julia Cho as Dr. Sara Chan
- Karole Foreman as Claudine Dudley
- Marcuis Harris as Pastor Durod
- Katie A. Keane as Dr. Jennifer Delge
- Lauren London as Kim
- Adam Karst as Ahmad Zirnoff
- Tre Hall as Two Man