Rebirth (2011 film)

Rebirth is a 2011 Japanese drama film directed by Izuru Narushima, based on author Mitsuyo Kakuta's novel. The film was a critical success, winning 10 awards at the 35th Japan Academy Prize, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Leading Actress, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Script.


A woman named Kiwako abducts a baby from a man with whom she has had an affair. For four years Kiwako has raised the child as her own until she gets arrested. The child named Erina is then returned to her birth parents, but she can't find peace. As an adult, Erina also has an affair with a married man and gets pregnant. To confront her past, Erina goes to Shodoshima where she has lived with Kiwako as a child. There Erina discovers a shocking truth and makes a decision.
