Recep İvedik 2

Recep İvedik 2 is a 2009 Turkish comedy film, directed by Togan Gökbakar, which stars Şahan Gökbakar as an oafish character who tries to find a job and a wife to please his ailing grandmother. The film, which went on nationwide general release across Turkey on Feb. 13, 2009, was the highest grossing Turkish film of 2009. The film's titular comic character was created by Şahan Gökbakar for his Turkish comedy television show Dikkat Şahan Çıkabilir, which ran from 2005 to 2006, and has subsequently gone on to feature in a series of sequel films starting with Recep İvedik, to which this is the sequel.


The grandmother of rude big man Recep İvedik wants him to find a job. He tries many, but is always fired soon. Finally he gets a job as "half-boss" in the company led by his cousin, after he points out that they inherited this company together from their grandfather. When Japanese business relations, to his cousin's regret, refuse to sign a contract, İvedik happens to wear a jacket of some organisation the Japanese are a member of, which makes them think he is the boss of that organisation; this and İvedik's pressure on them convinces them to sign the contract after all. This makes his cousin very satisfied about him.
İvedik's grandmother also wants him to get married. He tries to find a woman with the assistance of a young worker of the company, Ali Kerem. They do not succeed, but Kerem helps İvedik by disguising as a woman and accompanying him to his grandmother, where they pretend they are in love.
İvedik's grandmother dies. He inherits a chest which only contains a photograph of her making a "fuck-you"-gesture.
