Reconstructed clothing

Reconstructed clothing is used or vintage clothing that has been redesigned and resewn into a new garment. Reconstructed clothing was trendy in the mid-2000s. The book Generation T, which gave instructions for "108 Ways to Transform a T-Shirt", was one example of this trend. The book included instructions for how to make halter tops, A-line skirts, and string bikinis out of T-shirts. In 2008, Nicolay released another book entitled: Generation T-Beyond Fashion 120 More Ways to Transform Your T's. This book had a bigger variety of projects including ones for children, men, and even pets.
In March 2006, the DIY group Compai released their first DIY clothing reconstruction book, 99 Ways to Cut, Sew, Trim, and Tie Your T-shirt Into Something Fabulous! After this book's release, Compai went on to release three more books about reconstructing jeans, sweaters and scarves.
Reconstructed clothing is appealing because it allows the designer to "stamp into an existing piece...and come up with a totally different piece" and because it makes the wearer's clothing unique.