Rectified 24-cell

In geometry, the rectified 24-cell or rectified icositetrachoron is a uniform 4-dimensional polytope, which is bounded by 48 cells: 24 cubes, and 24 cuboctahedra. It can be obtained by rectification of the 24-cell, reducing its octahedral cells to cubes and cuboctahedra.
E. L. Elte identified it in 1912 as a semiregular polytope, labeling it as tC24.
It can also be considered a cantellated 16-cell with the lower symmetries B4 = . B4 would lead to a bicoloring of the cuboctahedral cells into 8 and 16 each. It is also called a runcicantellated demitesseract in a D4 symmetry, giving 3 colors of cells, 8 for each.


The rectified 24-cell can be derived from the 24-cell by the process of rectification: the 24-cell is truncated at the midpoints. The vertices become cubes, while the octahedra become cuboctahedra.

Cartesian coordinates

A rectified 24-cell having an edge length of has vertices given by all permutations and sign permutations of the following Cartesian coordinates:
The dual configuration with edge length 2 has all coordinate and sign permutations of:


Symmetry constructions

There are three different symmetry constructions of this polytope. The lowest construction can be doubled into by adding a mirror that maps the bifurcating nodes onto each other. can be mapped up to symmetry by adding two mirror that map all three end nodes together.
The vertex figure is a triangular prism, containing two cubes and three cuboctahedra. The three symmetries can be seen with 3 colored cuboctahedra in the lowest construction, and two colors in, and all identical cuboctahedra in.
Coxeter group= = =
<> =
Coxeter diagram
Vertex figure

Alternate names

The convex hull of the rectified 24-cell and its dual is a nonuniform polychoron composed of 192 cells: 48 cubes, 144 square antiprisms, and 192 vertices. Its vertex figure is a triangular bifrustum.

Related uniform polytopes

The rectified 24-cell can also be derived as a cantellated 16-cell:
