Redneck Island

Redneck Island is a reality-competition series hosted by Steve Austin on Country Music Television. The show premiered on June 9, 2012, and its fourth season premiered on December 4, 2014 and concluded on February 13, 2015. The 5th season premiered on January 28, 2016 and ended March 31, 2016. There has been no announcement of renewal since then and the show has been removed from CMT's current programming lineup.

Series overview

Redneck Island strands a group of contestants, stereotyped as "rednecks", on a deserted island and they compete - in a format resembling Survivor - for food and immunity. Players compete in two teams each week, with the losing group voting one of their players out with a "beer ballot." The production of Redneck Island took place throughout May in San Francisco, Nayarit, Mexico.
In season 4, the format of the show changed. Jessie James Decker was introduced as a co-host. The location was changed to a lake house, and the group was divided into teams of one man and one woman each. The teammates were forced to live together. In each challenge, the losing team was automatically sent to the Pit. The winning team chose the second team to enter the Pit. At the Pit, the teams were split into individual men and women so that the losing man and woman from the various physical challenges was eliminated, with the winning man and woman combining back into a team.
Melissa Rycroft succeeded Decker as co-host for the fifth season which premiered January 28, 2016.

Season 1


Elimination table

  • Due to Bobo & Adam F. being evacuated from the competition, the votes did not count in Episode 22.


Season 2


Elimination table

  • In episode 7, Heather was at risk of being the first one eliminated from the challenge and being sent home. In Episode 10, Donna was at risk of being the first one eliminated from the challenge and being sent home.


Season 3


Elimination table

  • In episode 6, Stacey was at risk of being the first one eliminated from the challenge and being sent home.
  • In episode 8, Misty was at risk of being the first one eliminated from the challenge and being sent home.
  • In episode 10, Bucket was at risk of being the first one eliminated from the challenge and being sent home.


Season 4


Elimination chart

The Pit progress


Season 5: Battle at the Lake

For the fifth season of the show, 12 alumni from Season 4 return along with 12 new competitors.


Contestant in bold indicates the contestant was on Season 4.

Elimination chart

The Pit progress
