The Reformed Churches in South Africa is a Christian denomination in South Africa that was formed in 1859 in Rustenburg. Members of the church are sometimes referred to as Doppers.
History of Gereformeerde Kerke in South Africa
In the early 19th century a new hymnbook was introduced in the Dutch churches in the Netherlands, which was implemented in the Dutch Reformed Church in the Cape Colony. Many of these songs contradicted the teachings of the three confessions accepted at the Synod of Dort in 1618/1619. Some of the church members could not accept these doctrines. When they refused to sing the hymns, they were threatened with excommunication. They had the view: In Gods huis Gods lied. The main founders of the denomination, were particularly concentrated in the vicinity of Rustenburg, in the Transvaal. In 1859, 15 brothers decided to separate them from the Dutch Reformed Church. These 15 members made a meeting on 10 February 1859 convened under a seringboom at Rustenburg. At this meeting, 300 members have enrolled as members of Gereformeerde Kerke. The spot is markde today by the Syringa Tree Monument. The Gereformeerde Kerke founded a seminary for theological studies as well as teacher training in Burgersdorp in the Eastern Cape. It was moved to Potchefstroom in the early 20th century, where it became the Potchefstroom University College for Higher Christian Education, now the North West University. One of the faculties is the seminary for training their ministers.
The Gereformeerde Kerke today
The official name of the church body today is Die Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika. It is also known as the Reformed Churches in South Africa. It has 415 Congregations ministering to people in all 11 official languages of South Africa. There are congregations in Zimbabwe, Namibia and Lesotho. The General Synod meets every third year in Potchefstroom. It has ecumenical ties with churches on all the continents of the world.
Songbook of Gereformeerde Kerke
The Gereformeerde Kerke today uses only hymns from the Bible: the Psalms as well as Skrifberymings. Skrifberymings are hymns based on passages from the Bible. Besides the Psalms and Skrifberymings, the hymnal contains the following:
The liturgical forms for the baptism of children, public confession of faith, the baptism of adults, the holy communion, confirmation of elders and deacons, confirmation of ministers, and the marriage ceremony.
The Church Order
A number of prayers.
Apostles Creed
Athanasian Creed
Nicene Creed
Canons of Dort
Belgic Confession
Heidelberg Catechism
Church government
The Reformed Churches have a Presbyterian - Synodal system of church government. The church consists of the Eastern Regional Synod, the Bushweld Synod, the Northwest Synod, the Regional Synod of Free State and KwaZulu-Natal, the Southern Regional Synod, and the Randvaal Regional Synod. that the churches in the RCSA have abandoned of the church, exists. The impression that some of the churches have abandoned the principles from the Reformation has been discussed at the "". Since Christ reigns through his Word and Spirit, when important decisions are made that is perceived to deviate from Scripture. In 2017, the Reformed church was of the RCSA as result of such differences.
The Reformed Churches in South Africa have their own Theological Seminary " Die Teologiese Skool" in Potchefstroom.
Reformed Churches in South Africa is a member of the World Reformed Fellowship and the International Conference of Reformed Churches The Gereformeerde Kerke has sister church relationship with the :