Republican Spelling System

The Republican Spelling System was the orthography used by Indonesian from 17 March 1947. This spelling was also called Soewandi Spelling after the Indonesian Minister of Education at the time.
This spelling replaced the earlier spelling system, the Van Ophuijsen Spelling System, which was in force from 1901.
The differences between the Van Ophuijsen Spelling System and this system are:
Soewandi Spelling was in force from 1947 until 1972, when it was replaced by the Perfected Spelling System when Mashuri Saleh became Minister of Education and Culture. On 23 May 1972, Mashuri legalized the usage of the Perfected Spelling System, replacing Soewandi Spelling. This event was marked by changing the road sign at the front of his office from Djl Tjilatjap to Jl. Cilacap.

Table of RSS letters and their PSS equivalents
