
Resourcesat-2A is a follow on mission to Resourcesat-1 and Resourcesat-2 which were launched in October, 2003 and April, 2011 respectively. The new satellite provides the same services as the other Resourcesat missions. It will give regular micro and macro information on land and water bodies below, farm lands and crop extent, forests, mineral deposits, coastal information, rural and urban spreads besides helping in disaster management.


The satellite contains 3 payloads on board.
The satellite also carries two Solid State Recorders with a capacity of 200 Giga Bits to store the images which can be read out later to ground stations.


The satellite was launched aboard PSLV-C36,the 38th flight of PSLV, on December 7, 2016. For the first time, Navic processor and receiver was used to navigate PSLV.