Revati (nakshatra)
Revathi is the Hindu name for Zeta Piscium, a star on the edge of the Pisces zodiac constellation. In Hindu sidereal astronomy this star is identified as the First Point of Aries, i.e. when the Sun crosses this star, a new solar year begins.Astrology
Revati is the twenty-seventh nakshatra in Hindu astrology corresponding to ζ Piscium.
It is ruled by Puṣan,one of the 12 Ādityas. According to the beliefs of traditional electional astrology, Revati is a sweet or delicate nakshatra, meaning that while Revati has the most influence, it is best to begin working on things of physical beauty like music and jewellery.
Revati is symbolized by fish. It is also associated with the sea.
Traditional Hindu given names are determined by which pada of a nakshatra the Ascendant/Lagna was in at the time of birth. In the case of Revati, the given name would begin with the following syllables: