Rhode Island's Future

Rhode Island's Future is a Rhode Island blog dubbed the "state's most popular political blog" by the Phoenix Newspaper.
The blog was started in March 2005
by political activist Matthew Jerzyk, a long-time community and union organizer with SEIU and Jobs with Justice. Contributing to this was the first Green Party elected official in Rhode Island's history, State Representative David Segal.
Rhode Island's Future played a key role in the 2006 Senate race between Sheldon Whitehouse and Lincoln Chafee by exposing a scandal involving a Chafee staffer sending controversial emails from a government computer just one week before the election. Jerzyk, the blog's editor, also played a central role in a prominent controversy at Roger Williams University School of Law involving the chairman of the university's board of trustees use of the "N-word" and the subsequent removal of his name from the law school.
Edited by Bob Plain, the site features as contributors: