Rip, Sew and Stitch

Rip, Sew and Stitch is a 1953 short subject directed by Jules White starring American slapstick comedy team The Three Stooges. It is the 150th entry in the series released by Columbia Pictures starring the comedians, who released 190 shorts for the studio between 1934 and 1959.


The Stooges operate a tailor shop that is about to be repossessed by the Skin and Flint Finance Corporation. When the boys hear about a big reward for fugitive bank robber Terry "Slippery Fingered" Hargan, they think that catching him might end their financial woes. Hargan conveniently ducks into their shop and leaves a suit jacket with a safe combination in its pocket. After quietly sneaking back into the shop while the Stooges are elsewhere searching for clues, Hargan snatches a handful of suit jackets in hopes of retrieving the combination. He then later returns with his henchmen, and a wild mêlée follows. The Stooges end up getting the reward to pay off their debts and, with a stroke of luck, wind up with the crook's bankroll as well.



Rip, Sew and Stitch is a remake of 1947's Sing a Song of Six Pants, using ample stock footage. A double is used for Harold Brauer in the new footage.