Rivière Pierriche du Milieu

The Rivière Pierriche du Milieu is a tributary of the northwest shore of the Pierriche River, flowing in Quebec, Canada. This watercourse crosses the unorganized territory of Lac-Ashuapmushuan, in the Le Domaine-du-Roy Regional County Municipality, in the administrative region of Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean and the territory of La Tuque, in Mauricie.
This watercourse is part of the watershed of the Saint-Maurice River which flows at Trois-Rivières on the north shore of the Saint Lawrence River.
The economic activity of the Pierriche du Milieu river basin is forestry and recreational tourism activities. The course of the river flows entirely in forest areas. The surface of the river is generally frozen from mid-December to the end of March.


The Pierriche du Milieu river has its source at the mouth of an unnamed lake, located in unorganized territory from Lac-Ashuapmushuan.
From the mouth of this unnamed lake, the Pierriche du Milieu river flows on, in the following segments:
The Middle Pierriche river drains into a bend in the river on the northwest bank of the Pierriche River. This confluence is located at:
The toponym Rivière Pierriche du Milieu was formalized on December 5, 1968, at the Commission de toponymie du Québec.