RoadRunner (Application server)

RoadRunner is an open-source application server, load-balancer, and process manager written in Golang and implemented by PHP 7. It is used in rapid application development to speed up the performance of large web applications.


Development on RoadRunner began in 2017 by Anton Titov. RoadRunner was initially created to handle the peak loads of a large-scale PHP application developed by Spiral Scout. The end application was experiencing anomaly peaks in very short spurts of time which did not allow classic load balancing mechanisms to activate.
Roadrunner uses multi-threading to keep a PHP application in memory between requests, allowing it to eliminate boot loading and code loading processes and reduce latency. Improved RPC communication between the PHP application and its server processes gives Roadrunner the ability to offload some of the heavy communication from PHP to Go.

Product Features

RoadRunner is a production-ready runtime environment for PHP development.
RoadRunner is open-source software under an MIT license. It can be downloaded and installed as a package from the project page or from GitHub. It is completely free of charge.
