Road signs in Germany

These road signs are used in Germany.

Warning signs

General Danger or Traffic Control

Regulatory signs

Pedestrian signs

Railway level crossing signs

You Must Yield to All Rail Traffic or Rail Signals, No Overtaking Allowed within Zone


"Zipper Rule" for 1-Way Traffic Merging & 2-Way Traffic Priorities

Environmental Factors

Yield as necessary to not endanger yourself or other road users

Traffic Priority - Priority roads">Priority to the right">Priority roads

Priority Travel Does Not Yield, Signal All Turns

Other Factors

Yield or Reduce Speed as Necessary

Vehicle Classifications & Specifics

Official Symbols in Germany as per Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung
§ 39 Verkehrszeichen


Red Ring
In addition to any sign/placard, the Red Ring forbids the item noted and anything of greater size or value; i.e., if a car is pictured, then not only are cars not permitted verboten but also trucks too.
A Red Ring is also a traffic sign itself: No Vehicles Permitted, Pushing Motorcycles/Mopeds/Bicycles Permitted

Bicycles & Mopeds


Classified as above/below 500 cc motor size, and with or without sidecar


Personenkraftwagen - Pkw – "Powered Car for Persons"; e.g., cars/automobiles

Recreational Vehicles, Farm Equipment or Animal Powered

Trucks & Lorries

Lastkraftwagen - Lkw – "Powered Car for Loads", e.g., truck, lorry, semi, tractor-trailer
Kraftfahrzeuge mit einer zulässigen Gesamtmasse über 3,5 t, einschließlich ihrer Anhänger, und Zugmaschinen, ausgenommen Personenkraftwagen und KraftomnibusseMotor vehicles with a maximum authorized mass of more than 3,5 t, including their trailers, and tractors other than cars and buses

Restrictions & Allowances for Vehicles (generally larger) than Cars

Dangerous or Hazardous Cargos

Buses, Public Transit & Rail

Buses and trains have the priority/right of way


Primary Road Classifications & Related Signs


Basic Traffic Controls
Speed Controls & Limits
Passing & Overtaking


German Limited Access Highway - Blue Background
Signs used on Autobahn
Signs leading to Autobahn
other signs
Signs of federal highways
Note: Though road design of Kraftfahrstrasse is comparable to Autobahn, speed limit is mandatory, singposting is similar but has yellow background.

[Bundesstraße] - Non-Limited Access Highways or Main Roads - Yellow Background

Urban or Built-up Areas

Traffic Priority - Priority roads">Priority to the right">Priority roads

Priority Travel Does Not Yield, Signal All Turns

Paved Surfaces - 'Edge to Edge' Controls

Fahrtbahn/Streifen - Driving Lane Controls

Roadway lanes delineated by lines for/of single vehicle width

Dedicated Lane Use Required for ...

Special Zones

Stopping, Waiting, Parking

Parking is considered any stop exceeding three minutes.
Absolutely no stopping or waiting on traffic lanes
No waiting/standing longer than 3 minutes on traffic lanes - "Loading/Unloading & Pick-up/Drop-off Zone"
Bus Stop & Taxi Zones

Road Markings/Lines

Intersections & Crosswalks
Driving Lanes

Information signs

Informational Signs

Base Traffic Symbols

Standardized Traffic Symbols


Road equipment

Retired signs

Obsolete signs since 2017
Obsolete signs since 2013