Robert Boyd (physicist)

Sir Robert Lewis Fullarton Boyd was a pioneer of British space science and founding director of the Mullard Space Science Laboratory.
Robert Boyd was born in Saltcoats, Ayrshire - one of twin boys. He was a pupil at Whitgift School and studied at Imperial College and University College London.
His scientific career started at the Admiralty Mining Establishment in 1943 where he
worked with some notable scientists, including Harrie Massey who would later
encourage Boyd to engage in atmospheric physics research at UCL. His thesis was
on New Techniques for the Study of Ionised Gases.
In addition to helping create the MSSL, Boyd played an instrumental role in the founding of the European Space Research Organization and its subsequent incarnation the European Space Agency. Boyd succeeded Harrie Massey as the chair of the British National Committee for Space Research in 1976.
He became a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1969 and was knighted in 1983 in recognition of his services to space science.
Boyd was a committed Christian and he saw no conflict but subtle complementarity between science and religion. His 1950s and 1960s writings and lectures on this relationship helped Christians to be more influential in science, through the Research Scientists' Christian Fellowship.
