Robert Flynn (author)

Robert Flynn is an author and professor emeritus at Trinity University.

Styles and themes

Flynn's early fame came with the novel, North to Yesterday, which was a national bestseller. In Don Quixote fashion, it mocked the legend of the cowboy in Western novels while paying homage to it at the same time. Later works focused on more modern themes: rural life, going to war, religion in modern times and conflicts between "small town morality" and mass media/pop culture.
Novels like In the House of the Lord explored more religious/spiritual themes. Wanderer Springs adopted the gently satirical tone of his earlier works while also examining the interconnectedness between people and families in a small Texas town. The Last Klick touches upon themes of his service in the Vietnam War. In his latest novel Tie-Fast Country, Flynn returns to earlier themes, depicting a grandmother rancher with a checkered past who is out of sync with contemporary life..
Flynn's short stories touch upon more serious themes and are written perhaps with a more lyrical style.
In 2010 and 2011, Flynn published two novels through JoSara MeDia, Jade:Outlaw and its sequel, Jade: the Law. Both novels portray the grim realities of living in west Texas in the late 19th century where settlers/Indians/Mexicans frequently clash. Jade, the protagonist, is hired as an escort for cattle, guarding property and chasing after rustlers. He quickly discovers that just to do his job means getting involved in brutal situations that trouble his conscience. Jade ends up falling in love with Crow Poison, an Indian woman whose husband he had killed. Eventually he realizes that both sides have culpability. His outrage translates into a desire to fight for the sake of justice. At the end of the novel, Jade agrees to serve as sheriff for his town. Of this ebook, San Antonio Express News book reviewer Ed Conroy writes: "Flynn brilliantly employs a directly simple, subtle and at times sardonic narrative voice to tell this tale. It is alternately tough and tender, succinct and sweet, cadenced to the clip-clop of a horse trotting down Main Street, the hullabaloo of a steam locomotive triumphantly making its way into town amid a jubilant crowd's hoopla, and, of course, to the shots of guns of many kinds fired in self-defense, anger, treachery and haste....Through chronicling Jade's struggles to bring some ordinary order into what eventually becomes Jade Town, Flynn makes clear that the cost of many of our male ancestors' genocidal policies toward Indians, systematic abuse of women and fears of the "mongrelization" of the "white race" was massive social trauma of immensely tragic proportions."
Flynn was inducted into the Texas Literary Hall of Fame in October 2012.
Flynn taught writing to college students over four decades. In a 2007 audio interview, he said, "You can read any book on writing fiction for example, and they will tell you the same thing. Someone may say it in a different way that gives you better insight, but there are no secrets in writing; it's just a matter of doing it."

Early life and education

Flynn joined the Marines and served for two years during the Korea War era. In 1954, he received drama degree from Baylor University. In 1970, during the Vietnam War, Flynn embedded with Golf Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines as a civilian war correspondent for two months.

