Robin Sickles

Robin C. Sickles is an American economist. After graduating from Georgia Institute of Technology in 1972, he earned a Ph.D. in 1976 from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He is currently the Reginald Henry Hargrove Chair of Economics at Rice University. His research focus is on topics in applied econometrics, panel data, productivity, stochastic frontier analysis, empirical industrial organization, and labor economics. He is a Fellow of the Journal of Econometrics, has served as the editor-in-chief for the Journal of Productivity Analysis, and has had positions as Associate Editor for the Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Empirical Economics, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, Southern Economic Journal, and the Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies. He has co-authored and edited eleven books and volumes and journal special issues related to applied econometric topics. His most recent major work is Measurement of Productivity and Efficiency: Theory and Practice

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