Rock Creek Schools

Rock Creek Schools is Unified School District 323 in Pottawatomie County, Kansas, United States.


The school district administers three schools:
As of the census of 2000, the district had a total population of 4,066 with 1,555 households and 1,135 families. 80.6% of the occupied housing units were occupied by the owner. The racial makeup of the district was 96.1% White, 0.7% Black or African American, 0.5% American Indian and Alaska Native, 0.3% Asian, no Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander, 0.6% of some other race, and 1.7% of two or more races. 1.8% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race.
There were 1,555 households out of which 21.9% were individuals living alone, 73.0% were families, and 5.1% were non-families with two or more people. 63.2% of households were married couples living together and 36.2% had their own children living with them. Out of the 9.8% of households that had a householder with no spouse present, 45.1% were women living with their own children. The average household size was 2.59, and the average family size was 3.05.
The 1,123 children residing in the district were 27.6% of the total population, and 276 were under the age of 5; 298 were from 5 to 9; 337 were from 10 to 14; and 212 were from 15 to 17. 51.5% of the children were female. For 92.9% of the children in the district the householder was the child's parent and 77.6% lived in married-couple families, but 2.3% were not related to the householder. Also only one householder or spouse was under the age of 18.

Rock Creek Athletics
