Romanian Rally Championship

Romanian Rally Championship is the annual rally series in Romania. It is organized by FRAS and sponsored by Dunlop.





The 2014 season was won by the French driver François Delecour in a Peugeot 207 S2000, ahead of Romanian drivers Edwin Keleti, in a Ford Fiesta R5, and Dan Gârtofan, in a Škoda Fabia S2000.
RoundRally CountyDateSurfaceWinnerCar
1Tess Rally Brașov BrașovMarch 20–22tarmac François DelecourPeugeot 207 S2000
2Raliul Aradului AradMay 9–10gravel Edwin KeletiFord Fiesta R5
3Danube Delta Rally TulceaMay 30–31gravel François DelecourSubaru Impreza N14
4Transilvania Rally ClujJune 20–21tarmac François DelecourPeugeot 207 S2000
5Raliul Moldovei Pambac BacăuJuly 25–26gravel François DelecourSubaru Impreza N14
6Raliul Iașului IașiSeptember 4–5gravel Edwin KeletiFord Fiesta R5
7Raliul Perla Harghitei HarghitaSeptember 26–27gravel David BorkaMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9 R4


The 2013 season was won by the French driver François Delecour, in a Peugeot 207 S2000, followed by the Hungarian driver David Botka, in a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9 R4, and the Romanian-Italian driver Marco Tempestini, in a Skoda Fabia S2000. The calendar brought in for the first time a system where points gained in some of the rallies were increased or reduced by a specific coefficient. The Sibiu Rally was also part of the Intercontinental Rally Challenge.
RoundRally CountyDateSurfaceWinnerCar
1Tess Rally Brașov BrașovMarch 22–23tarmac François DelecourPeugeot 207 S2000
2Raliul Timișului TimișApril 12–13tarmac François DelecourPeugeot 207 S2000
3Delta Rally TulceaMay 30–June 1gravel Gergő SzabóMitsubishi Lancer Evo 10 R4
4Transilvania Rally ClujJune 20–22tarmac François DelecourPeugeot 207 S2000
5Raliul Sibiului SibiuJuly 25–27gravel François DelecourPeugeot 207 S2000
6Raliul Aradului AradAugust 23–24gravel François DelecourPeugeot 207 S2000
7Raliul Moldovei BacăuSeptember 13–14gravel François DelecourPeugeot 207 S2000
8Raliul Iașului IașiOctober 4–5gravel François DelecourPeugeot 207 S2000
9Raliul Harghitei HarghitaOctober 25–26gravel Gergő SzabóMitsubishi Lancer Evo 10 R4



In the 2011 championship were planned to be held 9 rallies, the same from the previous year and the new entry Raliul Moldovei. However, Raliul Argeșului was canceled three days before the start for safety reasons. Raliul Târgu Mureș, held at the start of May, was stopped at halfway stage due to unexpected snowy weather, and only half of the points were awarded. The champion at the end of the season was Valentin Porcișteanu, last year's runner-up, who had won four of the eight rallies held. Second place in the overall standings came Bogdan Marișca, while third came Dan Gârtofan. Previous year's champion Gergő Szabó finished fifth, behind Marco Tempestini fourth.


In the 2010 championship were held 8 rallies. The champion at the end of the season was Gergo Szabo, ahead of Valentin Porcișteanu and Dan Gârtofan.
1Raliul BrașovuluiBrașovApril 16–18tarmac Bogdan MarișcaSubaru Impreza N15
2Raliul ArgeșuluiArgeșMay 7–9tarmac Gergő SzabóMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9
3Raliul Târgu MureșMureșJune 4–6tarmac Csaba SpitzmüllerMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9
4Raliul ClujuluiClujJune 25–26tarmac Bogdan MarișcaSubaru Impreza N15
5Raliul SibiuluiSibiuJuly 16–18mixed Gergő SzabóMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9
6Raliul Ţara BârseiBrașovAugust 27–28gravel Valentin PorcișteanuMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9
7Raliul AraduluiAradSeptember 17–19gravel Gergő SzabóMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9
8Raliul IașuluiIașiOctober 8–10gravel Gergő SzabóMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9


In the 2009 championship were held eight rallies. The champion at the end of the season was Gergo Szabo, ahead of Marco Tempestini and Jarkko Miettinen.


In 2008 were held eight rallies in the championship:
1Tess RallyBrașovtarmac Jarkko MiettinenMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9
2Raliul Banatului UCM ReșiţaTimiștarmac Jarkko MiettinenMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9
3Raliul Hunedoarei LukoilHunedoaratarmac Jarkko MiettinenMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9
4Raliul ClujuluiClujtarmac Claudiu DavidMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9
5Raliul SibiuluiSibiugravel Jarkko MiettinenMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9
6Raliul Ţara Bârsei Seat-Mobil 1Brașovgravel Jarkko MiettinenMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9
7Raliul Avram IancuClujgravel Gergő SzabóMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9
8Raliul Iași 600 Prista OilIașigravel Tapio LaukkanenSubaru Impreza N14



In 2007 were held ten rallies in the championship:
1Raliul BrașovuluiBrașovtarmac Dan GîrtofanSubaru Impreza N12
2Raliul Bannatului - UCM ReșiţaTimiștarmac Bogdan MarișcaMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9
3Raliul Hunedoarei LukoilHunedoaratarmac Daniel UngurSubaru Impreza N11
4Raliul Siromex Baia MareBaia Maretarmac Bogdan MarișcaMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9
5Raliul ArgeșuluiArgeșgravel Marco TempestiniSubaru Impreza N12
6Raliul Clujului-Mobil 1Clujtarmac Bogdan MarișcaMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9
7Raliul Sibiului-PirelliSibiugravel Bogdan MarișcaMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9
8Raliul Ţara Bârsei Brașov Dunlop SeatBrașovgravel Dan GîrtofanSubaru Impreza N12
9Raliul Avram Iancu ClujClujgravel Constantin AurMitsubishi Lancer Evo 9
10Raliul IașuluiIașigravel Dan GîrtofanSubaru Impreza N12



In 2006 were held eight rallies in the championship and it was one of the closest. The eventual champion at the end of the season was Constantin Aur, followed at one point distance by Claudiu David and Dan Gîrtofan.